With Halloween happening tomorrow we thought it would be fun to take a stroll down memory lane. Seven years ago, almost to the day, Options threw a Halloween Party to celebrate the demolition of the Old Canadian Tire building and begin construction on the Village by High Park.
Check out these throwback photos of Options Village by High Park Demolition Party and see if you can recognize Options staff who are still with us years later.
It's hard to believe it's been seven years since construction began on the Village by High Park. So much has happened since then.
Check out this video of the Village by High Park 20th Anniversary Party featuring lots of satisfied residents (and lots of laughs) and while you're there don't forget to Subscribe to our channel to get many more videos like this.
Check out this video of the Village by High Park 20th Anniversary Party featuring lots of satisfied residents (and lots of laughs) and while you're there don't forget to Subscribe to our channel to get many more videos like this.
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